I served two beverages at my Blue Hawaiian Baby Shower and both were a hit.
Blue Hawaiian Cocktail
This was a special assignment. I couldn’t trust the creation of this beverage to just anyone.
I put my Aunt in charge of mixing the Blue Hawaiian Cocktail for the punch bowl. Her seasoned palette and extensive knowledge of adult beverages (not to mention 35 years working as a Food Science Professor) was just what I needed. You “Go Girl”!
This recipe is really more like a martini. After too many trials (and one happy Aunt), it was decided that we would tone down the drink with the addition of 7-Up. After all, it was only 1:00pm on a hot July day and we didn’t want the guests to get hammered before 2:00pm. Regardless, the punch was a big hit (who doesn’t wanna drink a bright, blue beverage?!).
Here’s the recipe prior to the addition of the 7-up:
Blue Hawaiian Cocktail
2 fluid ounces pineapple juice
1 fluid ounce blue curacao
1 1/2 fluid ounces coconut-flavored rum
- Pour the pineapple juice, curacao, and rum into a cocktail shaker over ice.
- Cover, and shake until the outside of the shaker has frosted.
- Strain into a chilled martini glass to serve.
Watermelon Thirst Quencher
Initially, I was following a recipe which proved to be too sweet for my liking so I reworked it. People loved this stuff and came back for more. I served it in a huge glass canister half submerged in ice with a ladle.
Note: Sneak over and give it a stir from time to time as it naturally separates the longer it sits.
750ml watermelon chunks (blender full 1 inch below the rim)
Juice of 1 – 2 limes
2 1/2 – 5 tsps sugar
lime slices for garnish
- Cut watermelon into chunks
- Fill blender up to 750 ml mark
- Liquify
- Add lime juice and sugar to taste depending on the sweetness of your watermelon
- Stir to mix
- Transfer to punch bowl add lime slices for garnish
Note: Ice can be added to the punch but I don’t like to do this as it dillutes the flavour. If you are adding ice, add more lime and sugar in the beginning to create a stronger flavour.