Apr 172010

Only in the United States of America could you stumble upon a suped up, sports car, grocery cart with dual action steering wheels. This contraption was 5 1/2 feet long. It felt like I was pushing an actual car (or a freighter) but I didn’t care; my son went from bawling to beaming in a split second. It was a magical moment; the rain stopped, the clouds parted, and a beam of light shone down from the heavens onto an abandoned, ruby red, race cart shopping cart in the parking lot. I grabbed it.

I’ve used car strollers at the mall before but I’ve never used a race car shopping cart. I highly recommend it if time isn’t a concern as the navigation was tough. It was a major workout for my arms to push the thing and turn corners. Plus, you seem to bump into everyone and everything, so get ready to say “excuse me”, “sorry”, “pardon me” a million times.

Therefore, slow and steady wins this car race. Using the race car shopping cart definitely makes shopping more enjoyable, if you’re in a browsing mood, as the kids are content. If you’re going to power shop, your best bet is to grab the regular shopping cart or better yet, leave the kids with Grandma and Grandpa.

Fred Meyer
RTS Shopping Carts

Apr 102010

Saying “town” may be a bit of an exaggeration. Does Squamish count as “town”?

Either way, if your household contains an avid fan of this mechanical marvel then you know what you must do. So, pack a lunch, grab some miscellaneous snacks, throw a bunch of toys in a bag and head for the hills.  Thomas the Tank Engine will be at the West Coast Railway Heritage Park for four days this summer on June 5  & 6 and June 12 & 13. Tickets are on sale now.

The celebration details include the following:

  • Take a 25 minute ride with a full size Thomas the Tank Engine
  • Meet Sir Topham Hatt
  • Enjoy storytelling, live music, build with Lego Duplo bricks and much more

“Day out with Thomas, The Celebration Tour 2010”
West Coast Railway Heritage Park
39645 Government Rd, Squamish, BC
June 5 & 6 & June 12 & 13, 2010

Tickets: $20 for Ages 2 and up
Buy Tickets Online or call 1-888-222-6608

West Coast Railway Association – Day out with Thomas
What’s On! – Squamish Events Guide

Apr 012010

Have you ever heard of Granville Loop Park?

I didn’t think so. You’ve probably walked through it on your way to Granville Island. There’s a nifty water feature on one side of the park and two tennis courts on the other side. In the middle is the cutest little playground containing a jeep, digger, climbing apparatus/fort and 3 slides (including a spiral slide).

This park is, without a doubt, my 19 month old’s favorite park in the whole, wide world.  Here, he is king of the castle. It’s fun to watch his confidence grow as he challenges himself to try new things and explore. Some playground’s are too advanced for him. When that happens he struggles and becomes frustrated. When the equipment is too big for him, but not big enough for Mommy to climb up there with him, we both get cranky.

At Granville Loop Park, we both have a smile on our face. I like the playground because it is usually dead, as in…where is everybody?!? No other Nannies or Mommies to “negotiate with” or “apologize to” …ahhhh…it’s our very own personal playground…just Caden and me.

We’ve logged a lot of miles in the jeep which conveniently contains two steering wheels. This is helpful on those rare occasions when we go on road trips with other Mommies and our new little friends (hopefully, we are in a sharing mood that day and not screaming…which makes for a painfully, long trip).

I invite you to visit our playground; we’re willing to share. As with all good things, this too will come to an end. Soon, we will be in search of the next perfect playground.

Granville Loop Park
1435 W 5th Avenue
(@ Granville Street)