May 192010

Walk with me down memory lane for a moment…

Ahhhh… Chaldecott Park, home field of my old soccer team, the Dunbar Dazzlers (yah, that name was embarrassing even back then); the woods were inhabited by my brownie pack; and the wading pool (now filled in with cement and transformed into a water park) was used by my family on hot summer days. I haven’t set foot in this park in over 20 years…ouch!

Standing in the park with my husband and son, I was overwhelmed by good feelings! Even the air smelled good…and the daisies in the grass….oh, the daisy chains we used to make… “snap out of it, woman!”

Ok…sorry, here are the facts:

  • 1 big kid swing set (5 swings)
  • 1 toddler swing set (4 swings)
  • 1 tire swing
  • 1 fort/slide for big kids
  • 1 fort/slide for toddlers
  • 2 sad looking springy horses
  • 4 picnic tables
  • 1 water park
  • 2 baseball diamond with very old bleachers


This park is good fun. My 21 month old son sat on the bleachers with Daddy, mesmerized by the baseball practice in session.

The fort/slide targeting toddlers is the smallest I’ve ever seen and a great starting place for timid kids.
There’s only one thing that drives me “batty”. Why, oh why, do they make it so difficult for little kids to access the slides? What’s wrong with using good ole fashioned steps…why the crazy ladders? This design flaw is the cause of my sore shoulders and upper back from lifting Caden up to the slide every time he signs “more”, “more”, “more”. It’s tough being a Mommy (but you get ripped arms).

Rant aside, we will return to this park. Besides, now I  have a new, wonderful memory here. Caden blowing his first dandelion seeds into the air. So sweet.

Chaldecott Park
4175 Wallace Street
(@ King Edward Avenue)

May 102010

Publishing this picture is my punishment for not taking a decent picture of the park. Once I get one this will be replaced. I'm a weenie.

During one of our rare trips to Burnaby, we stumbled upon “park greatness”. Three adults and a toddler went looking for some outdoor amusement and there is was; Wesburn Park. A babbling brook with little bridge, mini community center (and I mean mini), wading pool, and a swell playground; just sitting there waiting for us with not another soul in sight.

Let the playing commence! Everyone took part in the playground festivities, which were a hoot! Even my Aunt, who’s in her 70’s, was going down the slide and jumping on the swings (Just so you know, Auntie looks at least 15 years  younger than her actual age, I hope I get some of those genes…hi AC, I know you’re reading this…lol).

There are 2 structures to play on, one for older kids and one for toddlers. Plus a car and horse that you can jump onto and ride via the “spring action” support. The yellow plastic tunnel was a big hit with our little guy, as was the slide.

This park is fun. We will definitely go back. I’d especially like to visit when the wading pool is open.

Wesburn Park Wading Pool & Park
Location: Moscrop & Patterson
Pool opens: July 2
M/T/Th/F 12noon-4pm
W 1-7pm

Apr 012010

Have you ever heard of Granville Loop Park?

I didn’t think so. You’ve probably walked through it on your way to Granville Island. There’s a nifty water feature on one side of the park and two tennis courts on the other side. In the middle is the cutest little playground containing a jeep, digger, climbing apparatus/fort and 3 slides (including a spiral slide).

This park is, without a doubt, my 19 month old’s favorite park in the whole, wide world.  Here, he is king of the castle. It’s fun to watch his confidence grow as he challenges himself to try new things and explore. Some playground’s are too advanced for him. When that happens he struggles and becomes frustrated. When the equipment is too big for him, but not big enough for Mommy to climb up there with him, we both get cranky.

At Granville Loop Park, we both have a smile on our face. I like the playground because it is usually dead, as in…where is everybody?!? No other Nannies or Mommies to “negotiate with” or “apologize to” …ahhhh…it’s our very own personal playground…just Caden and me.

We’ve logged a lot of miles in the jeep which conveniently contains two steering wheels. This is helpful on those rare occasions when we go on road trips with other Mommies and our new little friends (hopefully, we are in a sharing mood that day and not screaming…which makes for a painfully, long trip).

I invite you to visit our playground; we’re willing to share. As with all good things, this too will come to an end. Soon, we will be in search of the next perfect playground.

Granville Loop Park
1435 W 5th Avenue
(@ Granville Street)